FRANCE : +33 1 7638 0218
LONDON : +44 20 3608 2773
ISRAEL : +972 8 374 1210

About us

Accueil de l'hôtel du Crystal Club à l'Alpe d'Huez

Crystal-Club’s concept is to offer high quality Mehadrin Glatt Kosher vacation in paradise-like locations and a warm Jewish vacation atmosphere. Our holiday concept rests on the principle that our customers are treated with utmost importance.

Our friendly personnel will endeavor to meet all your needs, and will be available at any time to offer you a warm and personalized service that will make your holiday experience a most unforgettable moment.

Une soirée au Crystal Club
Terrasse de l'hôtel du Crystal Club à l'Alpe d'Huez

Crystal Club is led by a vigorous young team. Guided by the ideal of success from the experiences of previous years they strive for improvement with the view of reinforcing our feelings of conviction: to combine Torah Study with a relaxing and pleasant atmosphere for everyone to enjoy.

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dessert appétissant pour Pessah 2018


livre d'or des appréciations des clients

Guest book

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Picture Gallery

dessert appétissant pour Pessah 2018


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Videos Archive

livre d'or des appréciations des clients

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